Friday, September 17, 2010

Fishing Memories

Fishing brings to mind good memories.  Memories like when I caught my first trout near Lake Michigan.  I was about 6 or 7 and we were on vacation taking a drive around the lake.  We stopped at a trout farm, the kind were you catch fish and then the nearby restaurant cooks them for you.  I was so excited when I got my first fish onto shore that I let him wiggle back into the water after I got him off the hook.  Okay, so it was the second one that made it to the dinner table.  The first one got away.  He was a "practice fish".

Then there were a few times fishing with my dad and grandfather and times with my son and grandson.  And I spent many hours fishing various lakes with my father-in-law in a little 12 foot Sears fiberglass boat.  I don't know how we got all that equipment in there with us.  It wasn't so much about catching fish because truth be told we didn't catch many.  It was more about being together and building relationships.

These photos were taken this morning on Tillamook Bay.  I was working on the coast and noticed a handful of boats on the water in a light drizzle.  The scene brought back the fishing memories.

I hope you have good fishing memories with family and friends.

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